Damaged Bats Head Root, Protection, Dispelling Unwanted Company, Stop Evil and Jinxes, Protect From Witchcraft, Luck, All Natural, Pagan

from $0.90

This listing is for damaged, all natural bats head root groupings of either 1, 3, 5 or 10 roots. Bats head roots are good for protection, dispelling unwanted company, stopping evil and jinxes, protects from witchcraft, and luck. These will have broken pieces, missing pieces, or other things that cause them to be included in the damaged section.


Herbs and curios are sold as curiosities only. We are not responsible for any use of herbs in teas, baths, tinctures, oils, soaps or incenses etc.

Our products are not for medical use and we do not claim that they replace medical treatment.

We do not guarantee the results in spell work and magick.

If you burn herbs, please practice fire safety and do not leave a flame unattended. Use fire resistant materials as a burner.

By purchasing this item, you guarantee that you have read this disclaimer and understand the use of this item.

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