Red Sorrel, Healing, Health, Aids in Healing From Illness and Wounds, Dried Herbs, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft

from $1.00

Red sorrel has been used mainly for magickal healing and health.


Please realize these items are sold as curiosities and should be treated as such. If used with an open flame, directly or indirectly, please ensure proper fire safety is followed.

No items are guaranteed to work in magick and spellcasting and are used at your discretion.

Once purchased, you agree to this disclaimer.

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Sumac Leaf (Rhus Coriaria), Harmony, Addressing Difficult People, Peace, Court Cases, All Natural, Witchcraft, Occult
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Fireweed Herb, Remove Stagnant Energy, Transformation, Transition, Change, Crisis Support, Face Fears, Remove Resistance, Pagan, Witchcraft
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Vervain, Enchanter’s Herb, Protection From Evil Spell and Negative Energy, Purify Sacred Spaces, Witchcraft, Pagan
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Stinging Nettle Leaf, Exorcism, Protection, Luck, Return to Sender, Healing, All Natural
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Damiana Leaf, Aphrodisiac, Love, Lust, Return to Me Spells, Sexual Passion, Love Potion, Health, Dried Herbs, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
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