Birch Bark, Renewal, Inception, Fertility, Purification, Strength, Courage, Psychic Protection, All Natural

from $1.15

This listing is for birch bark of various weights. Birch bark is associated with renewal, inception, fertility, purification, strength, courage, and psychic protection.


Please realize these items are sold as curiosities and should be treated as such. If used with an open flame, directly or indirectly, please ensure proper fire safety is followed.

No items are guaranteed to work in magick and spellcasting and are used at your discretion.

Once purchased, you agree to this disclaimer.

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Buckthorn Bark, Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters, Good Luck, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.00
Ash Bark, See Through Lies, World Tree, Solar Magick, Prosperity, Protection, Ward Off Evil, Protect From Psychic Forces, All Natural
from $2.20
Hazelnut Tree Bark, White Magick, Healing, Gain Knowledge, Wisdom, Poetic Inspiration, All Natural, Dried Herbs
from $1.30
Black Locust Bark, Rites of Defense, Blessings, Power, Curse And Hex, Courage, Witchcraft
from $2.05
Acacia Bark, Immortality, Initiation, Resurrection, Communicate With Dead, Ward Off Evil, Money, Platonic Love, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.90