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Orange Petals, Love, Purity, Innocence, Success, Prosperity, Friendship, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.75
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Rose Of Jericho Flower, Abundance, Luck, Money, Rebirth, Rejuvenation, Protection, Witchcraft, Pagan
Only 2 available
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White Hibiscus Flower, Purity, Devotion, Love, Divination, Rejuvination, Witchcraft, Pagan
from $1.80
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Apple Blossoms, Regeneration, Innocence, Abundance, Love, Creativity, Fairies, Afterlife, Autumn, Pagan, Witchcraft, All Natural
from $1.80
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Lilac Flowers, Enhances Dream Work, Divination, Clairvoyance, Defensive Magick, Love, Accessing Past Life Memories, All Natural
from $1.25
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Peach Blossoms, Love, Harmony, Peace, Wisdom, Fertility, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.80
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Pink Rose Buds And Petals, Beauty, Goddess Magick, Love, Divination, Witchcraft, Pagan
from $1.80
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Black Locust Flower, Protect From Negative Influences, Psychic Attack Protection, Endurance, Strength, Shadow And Underworld Work, All Natural
from $0.85
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Red Water Lily Flowers, Reduce Sexual Cravings, Psychic Powers, Water Magick, Death, Afterlife, Fertility, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $3.40
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Blue Lotus Flower, Aphrodisiac, Remove Stagnant Energy, Renewal, Intuition, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $2.65
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Purple Alyssum Flowers, Sweet Alyssum Flowers, Dispel Anger, Calm, Hex Breaker, Love, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.15
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Snowdrop, Adder’s Mouth, Rebirth, Overcome Obstacles, Prevent Gossip and Slander, Courage, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $4.40
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Saffron, Love Drawing, Wealth, Clairvoyance, Spell Breaking, Commanding, Psychic Development, Weather Magick, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $2.25
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Orchid Flowers, Love, Fertility, Focus, Power, Strengthen Memory, Concentration, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $3.65
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Black Malva (Mallow) Flowers, Spiritual Healing, Peace, Love Magick, Water Magick, Dreamwork, All Natural, Dried Herbs
from $2.55
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Garden Daisy Flowers, True Love, New Baby Blessings, Joy, Divination, Fairy Blessings, Happiness, All Natural, Witchcraft
from $1.75
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Tiger Lily, Fertility, Renewal, Rebirth, Marriage, Prosperity, All Natural
from $1.90
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Peony Petals, Anger, Anxiety, Banishing, Ritual Offerings, Protection, Exorcism, Guard Body, Spirit And Soul, Ward Off Evil Spirits And Storms, All Natural
from $1.15
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Sunflower Petals, Happiness, Fertility, Clarity, Success, Self-Confidence, All Natural, Dried Petals
from $1.40
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Red Poppy Flower, Success, Forgetfulness, Insomnia, Fertility, Prosperity, Money, Life-Death- Rebirth, All Natural, Dried Petals
from $1.90
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Red Carnations, Abundance, Strength, Stabilize Love Life, Life Balance, Creativity, Increase Energy, All Natural, Pagan
from $1.90
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Mimosa Flowers, Happiness, Anti Anxiety, Anti Stress, Fear, Strong Emotions, Anger, Frustration, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $2.40
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Everlasting Flowers, Helichrysum Italicum, Contacting Spirit World, Building Psychic Powers, Healing, Sooth, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.65
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Honeysuckle Flowers, Increase Psychic Vision, Bind a Love Interest, Money, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $2.40
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Gorse Flower, Strong Protection, Money, Protection From Evil, Negativity, Love, Hope, Optimism, All Natural
from $2.40
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Yarrow Flowers, Courage, Exorcism, Love, Protection, Healing, Psychic Powers, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $0.85
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White Clover Flowers And Leaves, Luck, End To Crossed Situations, Evil Protection, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.90
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Blue Malva (Mallow) Flowers, Exorcism, Beltane Rituals, Love, Protection, All Natural, Dried Herbs
from $1.65
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Balm of Gilead Buds, Mend Broken Hearts, Calm Love Issues, Manifestation, Evil Eye Protection, Heal Torn Relationships, All Natural, Pagan
from $1.65
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Gardenia, Sorting Painful Situations and Memories, Purity, Trust, Intuition, Clarity, Sex Drive, All Natural, Dried Herbs
from $1.50
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Primula Flowers And Leaves, Healing, Find Hidden Treasures, Success, Calm Communication, Dried Herbs, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.90
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Jasmine Flowers, Love, Meditation, Sex, Sleep, Prophetic Dreams, Cleanse Aura, Dried Herbs, Dried Flowers,, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.75
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Catnip Leaf and Flower, Help Develop Psychic and Emotional Bonds to Cats, Love, Beauty, Friendship, Happiness, All Natural, Pagan,Witchcraft
from $1.25
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Lily Bulb, Repel Love Magick, Break Love Spells, Contact Spirit Guide and Ancestors, Protection, Ease, Strength, All Natural, Dried Herbs
from $2.00
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Magnolia Flowers, Loyalty, Spiritual Healing, Feminine Strength, Sooth Anxiety and Depression, Sleep, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.75
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Meadowsweet Flowers, Love, Attraction, Release Tension, Calming, All Natural
from $1.25
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Lavender, Love, Romance, Reduce Stress, Sleep, Protect From Evil Spirits, All Natural
from $1.15
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Safflower, Aphrodisiac, Protects Property, Prevent Miscarriage, Prevent Infertility, Sex, Dried Herbs, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.25
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Hibiscus Flower, Love, Lust, Divination, All Natural
from $0.85
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Chamomile, Purification, Sleep, Calm, Protection, Combating Curses, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.00
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Linden Leaf and Flower, Love, Protection, Healing, Calm, Beauty, Immortality, Sleep, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.25
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Red Rose Petals, Purification, Protection, Love, Luck, Peace, Courage, All Natural, Dried Petals
from $1.40
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Hawthorne Leaf and Flower, Emotional Healing, Protection, Longevity, Fae Working, Spirits, Dried Herbs, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.00
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Whole Elderflowers, Healing, Sleep, Wisdom, House Blessing, Business Blessing, Dried Herbs, All Natural, Witchcraft, Pagan
from $1.25
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Cloves, Stop Gossip, Prosperity, Banish Hostile Forces, Attract Riches, Dried Herbs, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.50
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Bee Pollen Granules, Blessing, Cursing, Increase Stamina, Strength and Memory, Attraction, Dried Herbs, All Natural
from $1.25
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Blue Cornflower Petals, Psychic Awareness, Self Knowledge, Love, Abundance, Fertility, Growth, Dried Herbs, All Natural
from $2.50
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Butterfly Pea Flowers, Enhances Memory and Cognitive Ability, Creativity, Motivation, Stress, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.25
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Calendula Petals, Love Spell Divination, Happiness, Protection, Legal Matters, Psychic/Spiritual Powers, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $0.85
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Arnica Flowers, Protection Against Psychic Attacks, Abundance, Emotional Protection, All Natural
from $1.00
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Chrysanthemum Flowers, Joy, Happiness, Comfort, Home Blessing, Ward and Protect Home, Strength, Dried Herbs, All Natural
from $1.40
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Hops, Sleep, Healing, Stops Nightmares, Psychic Development, Relaxation, Dried Herbs, All Natural, Pagan, Witchcraft
from $1.15
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